Central Colombia woman grows potato in vagina in ill-advised contraception attempt

(Photo: Potato News Today)

Shocked medical staff in a clinic in the central Colombian town of Honda have discovered a potato growing inside a patient’s vagina, local media reported on Wednesday.

Strange contraception methods from throughout history

  • Strynchnine, arsenic and mercury

    In ancient China, sex workers were known to drink this potentially deadly mix as a means of preventing pregnancy. It was reported to induce delirium and often proved fatal.

  • Weasles testicles and black cats

    In Medieval times it was thought that tying a weasel’s testicles around your neck, wearing an amulet made of mules’ earwax, donkey dung, or a mule’s uterus, or a bone taken from the right side of an all-black cat, strapped to your thigh, would effectively avoid pregnancy.

  • Asparagus

    Dioscorides, a Greek physician, recommended wearing a necklace made of an asparagus stalk.

  • Papaya

    In India and Sri Lanka, women who didn’t want to conceive a child were advised to eat a papaya a day; according to modern research, the enzyme papain interacts with the pregnancy hormone progesterone to inhibit pregnancy.

  • Sneezing

    Soranus, a Greek physician suggested that ladies who didn’t wish to conceive should, immediately after having sex, hold their breath, sneeze, and then drink cold water.

  • Coca Cola

    American teenagers in the mid 20th century began a craze which involved using carbonated beverages to clean out the vagina after intercourse. Coca Cola douching was well documented in the 1950s.

  • Lemon

    In the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, women were known to half a squeezed lemon as a stinging cervical cap as a contraceptive method.

The bizarre phenomenon was discovered when doctors attended a 22-year-old woman complaining of abdominal pains this week.

The embarrassed young woman explained that she had been advised by her mother to insert a potato into her vagina as a means of avoiding unwanted pregnancy.

“My mom told me that if I didn’t want to get pregnant, I should put a potato up there, and I believed her.” the unnamed patient was quoted as saying by local news website HSB Noticias.

After leaving the potato in place for around 2 weeks she began to experience intense pain in her lower abdomen. The potato had germinated, and grown roots inside the lady’s private parts.

When the nurse went to examine the patient, she originally thought she had been the target of a practical joke, as she found roots emerging from the young woman´s vagina.

The offending root vegetable was removed without need for surgery, and there should be no lasting physical effects on the young woman.

Carolina Rojas, the attending nurse, pointed the finger of blame at the woman´s mother for giving her daughter such bad advice in terms of contraception methods available.

A recent campaign by Colombia’s Family Welfare Institute aimed at reducing the high levels of teenage pregnancy in Colombia stated that young people’s general rejection of conventional contraception methods, such as condoms and contraceptive pills, coupled with a macho society which often saw girls pressured into having unsafe sex, contributed to a high level of unwanted teenage pregnancies.

MORE: Colombia´s teenage pregnancy awareness week.

The fact that a 22 year old women was no naïve as to believe that a potato was an appropriate and safe method of contraception shows a concerning lack of education for young people as to the options available for them when they become sexually active.

Sexual education became obligatory across Colombia in the 1990s in the hope that young people would discuss any quieries or concerns and have a safe place to discuss what was perceived as a social taboo – talking about sex.

However, parents, shocked by the content of the classes protested against them and created groups such as the “Red Families” urging other parents to denounce the lessons in which teachers were accused of encouraging homosexuality.

MORETaboos and ‘medieval’ sex education main causes of Colombia’s soaring teen pregnancy rate: Scholar

Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Education and sociologist María Eugenia Rosselli, “you cannot ask a young person to freely discuss sex with their parents,” creating a void of information and high levels of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.


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